1895 H Royer Bryant Street San Francisco Rawhide Belting Rope & Lacing Building Cover
1c Blue Postal Stationary CC strait line printed near top edge H. Royer, 855, to 861 Bryant, San Francisco. Sent to Stockton Woolen Mills, Received under flap date cancel April 9 1895 recd. Flap was tucked IN during delivery, partial remainder of cancel visible at roof line of building. Imprint on back of cover is excellent. signed at lower right E. Schultze
id #6846
1879 The Baldwin Hotel Illustrated Letterhead Cover Sent to Gotschauck New York
id #6845
1860s San Francisco 1 Cent X3 to Pichoir Amador County Consal Volcano California Cover
reduced at right edge.
id #6844
Vera Cruz Mexico Feb 19 to New Orleans Mexican War Stampless 10 FRONT
Clear cancel of the 2 lined straight line, fold at center.
id #6843
1859 Goodyears Bar California #26 Illustrated Cover What Cheer House, Woodwards Ad Cover
1859 to 1860s Goodyears Bar California #26 Illustrated San Francisco What Cheer House, Woodwards on Leidesdorff Street cover canceled July 8 Goodyears Bar Cal. Sent to Mrs. James E. Price Sacramento California. Repair at left edge.
id #6842
1850s San Francisco James King of William Bank Check Eagle and California Seal Illustrated
unused with fold at receipt tab at left. After the demise of this Banking House in the local panic of 1854-5, James King of William began publication of the Evening Bulletin, in which he excoriated politicians, lawyers and judges as well as institutions whose action he found responsible of local corruption. His vigorous muckraking led him to call a county supervisor, James P. Casey, crooked and to reveal that Casey was an ex-convict. When the infuriated Casey could not get a retraction, he openly shot down James King of William on the street. King of William, who had been on the executive committee of the first Vigilance Committee (1851), was by death responsible for bringing a second such committee into being. It tried Casey and executed him at the very hour King of William was being buried.
id #6841
Mother of The Forest Calaveras California Big Tree Photo Stereoview by Bayrd and Goldstein
Cleveland Ohio, some wear at edges of yellow mount. Mother of the forest was a giant sequoia in the Sierra Nevada that was stripped of its bark and used as an exhibition tree. Discovered in 1852 by Augustus T. Dowd, it was the second largest tree in Calaveras Grove, standing at 328 feet (100 m) tall with a circumference of 93 feet. Its bark was harvested and exhibited in New York and London. However, the remaining tree was eventually destroyed by fire in 1908, leaving only a fire-blackened snag.
id #6840
Soda Bay or Uncle Sam California on Clear Lake Photo No.17 Stereoview By W.B. Mundy
Printed at last line back of mount. To reach Soda Bay from San Francisco go by train to Calistoga or Cloverdale thence by stage to Kelseyville , at which place a carriage from hotel will meet passengers. Through time 11 hours. For further information. A.K. Gregg . No White lines at back.
id #6839
Around Clear Lake California Photo Stereoview Photographed Published by A.J. Everett Lakeport
Wear at edges of mount. Weight type vertical impression at center of mount.
id #6838
1887 Placerville El Dorado County Teachers Institute Confidence Parlor Mt Democrat Printer
folder style Program with 4 sides of print, single sheet folded in half. Dated March 23-25 1887 wed. - Friday program days and times of happening.
id #6837